Find out more about the sustainable harvesting of kangaroo leather and what makes it such a great product.
Kangaroo leather is used for a wide range of commercial purposes including shoes, gloves, jackets and fashion accessories.
It is very highly regarded as a leather product due to a range of factors including:
- Soft feel
- Excellent abrasion resistance
- Sweat resistance
- Superior strength
In fact, weight for weight kangaroo leather is the strongest and lightest natural leather available. It has up to 10 times the tensile strength of cowhide and is 50% stronger than goatskin. The kangaroo skin has a unique structure with fibres running parallel to the leather surface providing exceptional strength.
Responsible and Sustainable Harvest
Australian Federal and state governments maintain a strict control over the harvest of kangaroos for commercial purposes. This includes licencing restrictions for harvesters, strict quota setting and enforcement and ongoing monitoring of kangaroo populations to ensure the sustainability of the industry. Every year each state in Australia that supports a kangaroo harvesting industry is required to produce a detailed report on the management of kangaroo populations. To find out more you can visit the following link on the kangaroo industry.
Quality Australian Souvenirs
At Australian Choice we stock a range of products made from quality kangaroo leather. The kangaroo skins used in the production of our products are all obtained under the Australian Federal Government's Wildlife Protection Act.
The following is a list of some of the quality Australian kangaroo leather products you can find on our website with a link to each page:
- Kangaroo leather hats
- Kangaroo leather wallets
- Kangaroo skins
- Kangaroo scrotum coin purse